BRERC is part of Bristol City Council's Museums service, operating within Collections and Archives, which in turn operates under the umbrella of Culture and Creative Industries.
BRERC has service agreements with several local authorities in the West of England, plus other local and national organisations. These agreements allow BRERC to provide ecological and geological data to these bodies to enable and support their wider roles.

West of England Local Authorities
Our local authority data users use BRERC biodiversity and geodiversity data to formulate and support decisions in many areas of their work, including:
- planning and environment - to assess the potential impacts of proposed developments;
- pollution control and contaminated land - for input into local strategies;
- parks and open spaces - to ensure appropriate management;
- museums - to complement the work of local and regional museum services.
BRERC works within the Museums service to:
- support and coordinate voluntary groups and individuals who collect environmental and geological records;
- obtain local data from national organisations (in order to make that data locally available);
- store, manage, analyse and present this data;
- make information available to our partners and the wider public.
Avon Wildlife Trust

We work with the Avon Wildlife Trust (AWT) - the leading wildlife charity in the West of England area.
The aims of
the AWT include:
- conserving and increasing biodiversity in the local area; and
- campaigning on issues which threaten wildlife, locally and nationally.
BRERC and AWT aim to share available data in order to facilitate the above roles.